Should your payment fail to go through, it could be due to multiple reasons:
Invalid credit/debit card
Insufficient funds in the bank account linked to your debit card
Exceed the daily withdrawal limit
Due to recent spam/fraudulent transactions, banks are cautious of multiple similar charges and will automatically block them. As a result, you may need to contact the bank in order to verify, add to favorites, or whitelist the card. To retry your payment, these are the 2 methods available.
Add a new credit/debit card to your payment method
A pop-up displaying your outstanding fee will be on the home screen—tap on it
Tap on Payment method
Tap on your current debit/credit card
Tap on the trash icon on the top right hand corner of the screen
Tap on Delete
Tap on Add new credit/debit card
Input the relevant details and tap on Save and continue
Tap on Confirm payment
Do note that if you have future bookings with us, you will not be able to add a new credit/debit card to your payment method. Alternatively, you may proceed to top up the bank account linked to your debit card.
Top up the bank account linked to your debit card
Once you’ve topped up the bank account, tap on the pop-up displaying your outstanding fee on the home screen
Tap on Confirm payment
If the payment is successful, your account will be automatically reactivated. Should you face any issues, please contact our Support Team via our 24/7 Live Chat.